*** SNN
Dario Insua, SC Barcelona coach.
The Universe .- The Argentine coach of Barcelona Sporting Club, Ruben Dario Insua, spoke on Thursday with Rumba Sports Radio and revealed some details of the conversation he had with the leadership on Monday.

"For me as a coach, it was a normal conversation. Much of what I've heard and read has caught my attention, but no more than normal for the situation that the club does years. Then I am a professional, occupied the place where I belong and work. "
"When I offered to Barcelona last year, I did for fifteen months, and that I am willing to comply. I presume that should know the way I work and my qualities as a professional from the start. The project team needs to respect sports and football, so at some point have any desire to fight back up. "
"I no strikes me except my mother and my father in Buenos Aires, first. Second, read and heard many things about the team, some real and others no. I never tell my opinion about what another person. I meet April 17 fifty years and I have my opinion well-formed ".
" There are things that distressed me, especially since a club the prestige of Barcelona is a victim, not transcend, for good things within the court, that is what should be targeted, "he said.
" The clubs that are successful here in the country are those who respect people who respect their commitments and the projects proposed. That needs to do, starting with the Ecuadorian soccer team with the Colombian line and style of the teacher Vizuete. These are examples to follow. "
" We need to learn to live normally. Are factors that lead to a successful club. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor example, never had a coaching staff from January to December, and those who have done so are those who have given victory lap inside and outside the country. "
" A about respect and logic do not make public the talks with the leaders and people of the clubs that hire me. If Barcelona hired me from the outset knew the style of football and I like to use system, and will remain while I'm in the team. "
also ruled that President Harb he has drawn attention as expressed in various media. Regrets have been brought to light more information detrimental to the team, some real and others totally false.
"I care not flame me anyone. I've heard a lot mentioned about what happens to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfew things match the reality others are not. Some cause me some sadness, I feel sad that a club of Barcelona's prestigious news is constantly in conflict, transcend not good things are reflected in the field of play is what Barcelona has to point, "he said.
Insúa formula for Barcelona exit years title drought and football results is based on respect for the processes and people working in the club.
"The only way that can lead to Barcelona on the road to success is having strength institutional and economic and once again be strong this football, you must have a plan of work, respect for the processes sports and through that every one in place worry that the institution is doing well. When that happens will be reflected on the football team. Inverse theories do not see success, "he said.
The conformation of the template 2011, as the helmsman of Argentina, was made according to the economic possibilities of the computer. Therefore it is essential respect and support the work processes to match the teams that spent more: "If you have intelligence and work, at any time of year you can get to match teams from higher economic wealth."
finally talked about the cases of Argentina Rodrigo Marangoni and winger Miguel Ibarra, who have not received enough opportunities in the current season.
"It's two months to finish this stage. A foreign player can adapt fast or can not adapt. The Ecuadorian football is very complex. Over time one will see in right time if you need to change mid-season to strengthen the team, "said the Argentine on Marangoni.
And on Ibarra said, "is a good player, only now is reaching a very good physical, technical, almost did not play the second half of last year, did much of the preseason. Is pretty good, it is likely that the next game and can start as a starter. "
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