The Many Faces of Gaddafi
*** SNN
Martin Asser - BBC
Gadhafi has been on the world stage for decades.
How could adequately describe someone like Muammar Gaddafi?
During a period that spanned six decades, the Libyan leader has marched on the world scene with a style so unique and unpredictable that the words "rebel" or "eccentric" just do it justice.
Stories relacionadasLibia and the four factors conflictoGadafi promises victory as Clinton speaks of exile for the Libyan leader Gaddafi "is or is not a military target? Your government has seen him go from revolutionary hero to international pariah, the outcast valuable strategic partner again.
Gaddafi has developed its own political philosophy to write a book that is "in the eyes of its author at least, so influential, that overshadows all dreamed of by Plato, Locke or Marx.
has made numerous appearances on Arab and international meetings, in which not only known for her outrageous clothes, but also for his blunt speech and his unconventional behavior.
An Arab commentator recently called him the "Picasso of Middle East politics, but instead of periods blue, pink or cubist, Gadhafi has had a period pan-Arab, Islamic period, a pan-African and so on.
At first the heady days of 1969-when he seized power in a military coup without bloodshed, and in the decade of 1970, Muammar Gaddafi, was a young army officer, attractive and charismatic.
An enthusiastic disciple of President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, even adopted the same military rank, promoted to captain himself to colonel after the coup was initially focused on addressing the unjust legacy foreign economic domination.
focus for Nasser was the Suez Canal. To Gaddafi, oil.
Gaddafi is a great admirer of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952.
significant reserves were discovered in Libya in late 1950, but the extraction was controlled by foreign oil companies set prices for the convenience of their domestic consumers and benefited from half the income.
Gaddafi called for the renegotiation of contracts, threatening to cut production if the oil companies refused.
even challenged the foreign oil company executives saying that "people who have lived without oil for 5,000 years, can live without it for a couple of years until they can get their legitimate rights ".
The tactic was successful, and Libya became the first developing country to ensure a majority stake in the income of its oil production. Other nations followed suit and Arab oil boom began in the early 1970.
Libya was in a position to reap the benefits. With an output similar to the Gulf states and one of the smallest populations in Africa (less than 3 million now), the rich black gold quickly.
Theoretical politicized instead of following the excesses of consumerism in the Gulf, or the doctrines of Arab nationalism, the volatility of Gaddafi Libya took a new path.
"Gaddafi third universal theory developed in its Green Paper"
Martin Asser, BBC
Born of Bedouin nomadic parents in 1942, Muammar Gaddafi is undoubtedly an intelligent and witty but did not receive an education that went beyond learning to read the Koran and military training.
However, from the early 1970, Qaddafi was devoted to training as a philosopher political, developing what he called the "third universal theory" described in his famous Green Book.
The theory aims to resolve the contradictions inherent in capitalism and communism (the first and second theory) to put the world on a path of political revolution, economic and social to liberate the oppressed peoples of the world.
In fact, little more than a series of diatribes foolish. It is extremely ironic that a text whose purpose is to break the chains of political interests has been used to subject an entire population.
The result of the theory of Gaddafi - amplified by the absolute intolerance of dissenting voices or alternative, has been gradually turning Libyan society, to eradicate civil society, the real political participation and any vestige of constitutionality.
Green Paper
The "system" Gaddafi conceived in the Green Paper.
solution to the problems of society, according to the book, it has to do with electoral representation described Gaddafi as a "dictatorship" of the largest party, or any other existing political system, but with the establishment of village committees implement all aspects of life.
This new system is presented schematically in the Green Paper, in a circular diagram in which the people's congresses are around a wheel influencing people's committees, which in turn create a true democracy in central secretariat.
The model created was actually a pyramid with the family ultrajerárquica Qadhafi and his closest allies at the top, protected by a brutal security apparatus.
In the parallel world of the Green Paper, the system is called Jamahiriyya, a neologism that plays on the Arabic word for a republic, Jumhuriyya, which means "the government of the masses."
Adventures extranjeroGadafi was able to bring its anti-imperialist worldwide, funding and supporting militant groups and resistance movements wherever they find them.
While more conventional governments were prepared to make ignored the human rights violations in his country and the persecution of dissidents abroad, agreed not to support groups that used terrorism in their own land.
A bombing of a nightclub frequented by U.S. soldiers in Berlin in 1986, attributed to Libyan agents, proved a turning point for Gaddafi.
U.S. President Ronald Reagan ordered airstrikes on Tripoli and Benghazi in retaliation for the two soldiers and civilian who died, although there was no definitive proof that Libya had been the perpetrator.
Revenge of the United States intended to kill the "mad dog of the Middle East as Reagan was baptized, but although there was extensive damage and an unknown number of victims, including apparently, the adopted daughter of Colonel Gaddafi, was unhurt.
The attack on Pan Am flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie in 1988 was the next significant escalation. The fact killed 270 people in the air and on the ground and is considered the worst act of terrorism ever happened in the UK.
Gaddafi's initial refusal to surrender the two Libyan suspects in the Scottish jurisdiction resulted in a prolonged period of negotiations and UN sanctions, which finally ended in 1999 with delivery and trial. One of the men, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, was sentenced to life imprisonment, but the other was acquitted.
Understanding and rebellion
The resolution of the Lockerbie case, along with the subsequent resignation of Gaddafi to a clandestine chemical and nuclear weapons, led to a significant increase in relations between Libya and Western powers.
removed with international sanctions, Tripoli once again became part of international political itinerary, allowing the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair, among other luminaries, visit Qaddafi.
And in the years following Libya closed several businesses with oil companies and Western defense.
"When they were first called to a" day of rage "in Libya, Qaddafi promised to seriously join the popular protest, maintaining the myth of being the" brother leader revolution ", which has long had handed power to the people."
rebellion When the winds began to blow in the Arab world from Tunisia since December 2010, few people thought Libya would be "next."
Gadhafi was not widely perceived as a "lackey of the West" compared with other regional leaders.
When did the first calls for a "day of rage" in Libya, Qaddafi promised, apparently in all seriousness, join the popular protest, clinging to the myth of being the "Brother Leader of the revolution "that has long had handed power to the people.
In fact, the aroma of freedom and the lure of a possible overthrow of Colonel were temptations too strong for parts of the Libyan population, especially in the east.
Some of the first images of rebellion in Benghazi show angry young men destroying a green monolith in a public building that represented the doctrine that had enslaved, the Green Paper.
Gadhafi was probably inevitable fight with everything he had in his arsenal to stay in power.
But his days of walking around New York, European capitals and the Arab world over. He also finished the spell he once had over the Libyans with their fraudulent "universal theory."
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Stop Being A Heavy Sleeper
Galapagos Islands are now a caravan to the Miss Ecuador
*** SNN
, Claudia Schiess, Miss Ecuador.
The Universe .- The inhabitants of the Galapagos are this afternoon with a caravan to Claudia Schiess, Miss Ecuador 2011, who lives on the island Santa Cruz.
The girl, 21, who was elected as the new sovereign of Ecuador on 17 March in Santo Domingo, for the first time back home after the election.
17:00 Schiess travel from the main streets of Puerto Ayora, joined by friends, relatives and local residents, who from the moment of their triumph have left messages of support it with in social networks.
The makeup artist also, who won titles in that event Yanbal Face, Miss Hooks and Miss Water Sky plans to visit the facilities of the Foundation Blossoming by Ti, that assists children with different capabilities and which will, in addition, one of the institutions that work during his reign. Schiess share this night for a private meeting with family and friends.
authorities Pacific University, an institution in which attends Schiess Commercial Engineering, gave on Thursday a tribute to the young Galapagos and awarded a full scholarship to complete their study career. He also received another postgraduate scholarship in the area of \u200b\u200byour choice with a total of $ 23,830.
Claudia Schiess travel to Brazil in mid-September, which will represent Ecuador at the beauty pageant of Miss Universe.
*** SNN
, Claudia Schiess, Miss Ecuador.
The Universe .- The inhabitants of the Galapagos are this afternoon with a caravan to Claudia Schiess, Miss Ecuador 2011, who lives on the island Santa Cruz.
The girl, 21, who was elected as the new sovereign of Ecuador on 17 March in Santo Domingo, for the first time back home after the election.
17:00 Schiess travel from the main streets of Puerto Ayora, joined by friends, relatives and local residents, who from the moment of their triumph have left messages of support it with in social networks.
The makeup artist also, who won titles in that event Yanbal Face, Miss Hooks and Miss Water Sky plans to visit the facilities of the Foundation Blossoming by Ti, that assists children with different capabilities and which will, in addition, one of the institutions that work during his reign. Schiess share this night for a private meeting with family and friends.
authorities Pacific University, an institution in which attends Schiess Commercial Engineering, gave on Thursday a tribute to the young Galapagos and awarded a full scholarship to complete their study career. He also received another postgraduate scholarship in the area of \u200b\u200byour choice with a total of $ 23,830.
Claudia Schiess travel to Brazil in mid-September, which will represent Ecuador at the beauty pageant of Miss Universe.
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The March 24 article published attachment Expansion, "Behind every executive is a great teacher," where my name came up among the references between most prestigious business schools in Spain, representing EOI.
blush I've tried to see my name there, to be aware that there are teachers EOI much better than me and spend all their time to teaching, but I can not hide my satisfaction with the fact of representing this great institution .
Thanks to the generosity of EOI for giving me this privilege, if ever there was undeserved, which to me represents an added incentive to devote with passion and dedication to this profession that I love and enjoy every day.
Teaching and training are two processes in the XXI century are close together, having a lot of intelligence distributed in each class, from an MBA program to a high address, with the added ability to "extend" the class using digital media within our reach: of course I do not know and that education is useful only if it makes us better .
Thanks to EOI.
FIGURES OF EDUCATION business schools and alumni associations EXPANSION drawn with the faculty of teachers who have played an essential role for managers in the last quarter century.
Behind every manager is a great teacher
Folgado Rubén. Madrid
There are those who profess love chalk. Others, however, are unable to release the touch tablet or the next-generation mobile. But both share a mission: to train the best managers in the country. At a time when many sectors demand and safeguard the authority of the educator in the classroom, English schools have managed to place in the ranking of the most prestigious in the world, while the OECD warning of the bad results achieved at other educational levels lower.
has had major business schools in the country, as well as alumni associations to draw the map of the teachers who have marked a before and after the race of the executives who now run by large corporations within and outside Spain.
Santiago Alvarez de Mon (IESE)
Nuria Chinchilla (IESE)
Enrique Dans (IE)
Antonio Fontanini (EOI )
Carlos Losada (ESADE)
Rafael Ortega of Poza (ESIC)
Pampillón (IE)
Simon Reyes (ESIC)
Rafael Termes (IESE)
Juan José Toribio (IESE)
Tornabell (ESADE)
Fernando Trias de Bes (ESADE)
Among the leading names in the field of executive education ranks high Rafael Termes. Died in August 2005, besides having different positions of responsibility as president of the English Association Banca (AEB) in the 80's, represented a crucial role in the consecration of IESE as a leading international schools.
Another important figures of this educational institution is Juan José Toribio. This reputable economist has been part of such important organizations as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In the public sector, Toribio has worked for the Bank of Spain and served as CEO of Financial Policy, Ministry of Finance in the government of Adolfo Suárez. And the habit of teacher, Toribio highlighted in areas such as business economics, monetary theory and economics international.
Some of these figures of education have reflected many of his famous literary knowledge that they have established themselves as disseminators. ESADE Business School gives a good account of these profiles. Robert Tornabell and Fernando Trias de Bes have been very successful financial-themed books.
Tornabell, former dean of ESADE and professor of Financial Management and Control, has also contributed to three publications with Isidre Fainé, president of La Caixa.
In the field of new technologies, if a teacher who stresses this is Enrique Dans. The renowned blogger conducts teaching at IE Business School teaching master classes and Systems Information Technologies.
With a more economical technology industry within the business school highlights Pampillón Rafael Guillermo Niebla, a renowned economist who was raised in 2001 and 2008 with the award for best professor at IE Business School, in recognition of his intensive research and dissemination. Pampillón also has numerous publications and studies referred to in many educational institutions.
In a society increasingly linked to communication and the world of social networking, marketing and new advertising strategies are essential to ensure the success of business models. Indeed, ESIC is one of the top business schools specializing in this business area.
Within the cloister of this institution include Simon Reyes and Rafael Ortega of La Poza, CEO and Dean, respectively. Ortega of the Poza, which carries the baton of Dean since 2004, acknowledges that "today the student has gained prominence, is no longer the shy young man before."
While he admits that when he himself was on the desks, the most admired of his teachers was "the ability to communicate and convey ideas clearly and intelligently."
New business models are no exception to the plans of the major schools of management. La Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) has handed over a new MBA Antonio Fontanini aimed at the internationalization of wine. Fontana is one of those profiles that combines the vision of the entrepreneur with a teacher who has taught at the main English institutions and other such iconic as Harvard.
Secrets to be the best
Argandoña ANTONIO AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RSC IESE "There can be a good manager if it does not take into account the consequences of their actions. Because if not you will be responsible for destroying itself. "
Pampillón IE ECONOMIST "Every day the miracle of the market. The market, no need for anyone involved, it works: buy, sell. "
XAVIER MENDOZA ESADE Business Policy "Learning in adults is most effective when we are able to relate new ideas to our previous experiences."
SIMON REYES DIRECTOR GENERAL OF ESIC "The changes offer great opportunities for innovation and the best investment, investment in knowledge as a competitive factor."
Chinchilla IESE ADDRESS PEOPLE OF "The flexible hours and work is the unfinished business to attract and develop top talent and achieve competitiveness."
Fernando Trias de Bes ESADE MARKETING "There is no good or bad business, but good ideas and bad managers."
ANTONIO Fontanini MBA DIRECTOR OF EOI "If you love what you do and you spend time and passion, you will have many chances to succeed, being captain of your soul and the master of your destiny" .
Carlos Losada direct leadership of ESADE "Spiritual values \u200b\u200bmaterial wealth generation."
SANTIAGO ALVAREZ DE MON IESE ADDRESS PEOPLE OF "Leadership is a journey from the inside out. Leadership is the art of crucial talks. "
Friday, March 25, 2011
Who To Change Mw2 From Russian To English?
The seizure of drugs reach 193 tonnes
*** SNN
In a repurchase agreement between Ecuador and Mexico to disrupt a network that operated in both countries.
Narcotics shares left site in the past 6 years, according to figures from Consep.
In the past 6 years, about 193 tons of drugs have been seized as part of police checks carried out in the country.
Thus a report of the National Council on Substance Control Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Consep) reveals that, between 2005 and 2010 - a total of 193,707 kilograms of drugs (193 tons) was seized by the authorities.
This amount is added the seizures made during operations performed this year.
The last case was reported more connotation last Wednesday, with the seizure of 4 tons of cocaine hydrochloride.
On the details of this operation, called "Pacific" Freddy Ramos, chief of Guayas Narcotics, said the Mexican police carried out a similar operation in their country because they found links with members of the Sinaloa Cartel.
In connection with this case, President Rafael Correa on Thursday morning, said that the country is the only one of the Andean region that has no drug production. "Ecuador has had an extraordinary action in the fight against drugs ... It is true that we are in a situation such as Mexico, which dominate complete territories, here we are fighting (the drug) and we successful outcome of this struggle ", he said.
To Cumandá Avila, a specialist of the National Observatory on Drugs in Ecuador, the achievements in drug seizures are positive, but in the last year there is some reduction. "This happens because large catches are not always ... I say this because, for example, when there is a big case, as is the 4-ton presented in this week, "he said.
yesterday reported another case of narcotics after the capture of four Ecuadorians who were with 10 kilos of cocaine aboard a small boat, to 330 nautical miles from Costa Rica, found by the U.S. Coast Guard CGC Boutwell.
The operation was mounted by the U.S. District 11 (USCG District Eleven), which requested permission to Ecuador's Coast Guard Command for boarding and inspection of the fishing boat "God guide you."
The fishing boat was about to 480 nautical miles northwest of Ecuador, detailed Diego Coello, the Captain of the Port of Esmeraldas.
At the time of the raid showed that the crew threw overboard the sea packages, presumably drug.
The detainees and confiscated the alkaloid in the Coast Guard were transferred to the English Island Northern Operations Command Esmeraldas (Coopno).
said that investigates the origin of the vessel, and had no registration.
also be verified if there is any connection with the Sinaloa Cartel.
*** SNN
In a repurchase agreement between Ecuador and Mexico to disrupt a network that operated in both countries.
Narcotics shares left site in the past 6 years, according to figures from Consep.
In the past 6 years, about 193 tons of drugs have been seized as part of police checks carried out in the country.
Thus a report of the National Council on Substance Control Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Consep) reveals that, between 2005 and 2010 - a total of 193,707 kilograms of drugs (193 tons) was seized by the authorities.
This amount is added the seizures made during operations performed this year.
The last case was reported more connotation last Wednesday, with the seizure of 4 tons of cocaine hydrochloride.
On the details of this operation, called "Pacific" Freddy Ramos, chief of Guayas Narcotics, said the Mexican police carried out a similar operation in their country because they found links with members of the Sinaloa Cartel.
In connection with this case, President Rafael Correa on Thursday morning, said that the country is the only one of the Andean region that has no drug production. "Ecuador has had an extraordinary action in the fight against drugs ... It is true that we are in a situation such as Mexico, which dominate complete territories, here we are fighting (the drug) and we successful outcome of this struggle ", he said.
To Cumandá Avila, a specialist of the National Observatory on Drugs in Ecuador, the achievements in drug seizures are positive, but in the last year there is some reduction. "This happens because large catches are not always ... I say this because, for example, when there is a big case, as is the 4-ton presented in this week, "he said.
yesterday reported another case of narcotics after the capture of four Ecuadorians who were with 10 kilos of cocaine aboard a small boat, to 330 nautical miles from Costa Rica, found by the U.S. Coast Guard CGC Boutwell.
The operation was mounted by the U.S. District 11 (USCG District Eleven), which requested permission to Ecuador's Coast Guard Command for boarding and inspection of the fishing boat "God guide you."
The fishing boat was about to 480 nautical miles northwest of Ecuador, detailed Diego Coello, the Captain of the Port of Esmeraldas.
At the time of the raid showed that the crew threw overboard the sea packages, presumably drug.
The detainees and confiscated the alkaloid in the Coast Guard were transferred to the English Island Northern Operations Command Esmeraldas (Coopno).
said that investigates the origin of the vessel, and had no registration.
also be verified if there is any connection with the Sinaloa Cartel.
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President criticizes the Church's intervention in political campaign
*** SNN
The President of the Republic, Rafael Correa, in a radio interview Scandalo in Portoviejo, lamented that the Catholic Church try to engage political campaign that revolves around the referendum to be held on 7 May. PHOTO: COURTESY
Portoviejo (Manabi) .- The President Correa said he was not surprised by the position Episcopal Conference against the referendum, because it is linked to ultra-conservative wing of the Church.
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa said the church was opposed to the Revolution Alfarista and now makes the Civic Revolution.
The Head of State said that the Civic Revolution have the same enemies of the Revolution Alfarista, ie the Church and the press. "They're repeating the same discourse of opposition (...) I feel very badly as a Catholic that the Church does not reflect what should be," he said.
Correa said it's no surprise the position of the clergy is not surprising, because as indicated by the Episcopal Conference is dominated by the ultraconservative wing of the Church, which does not reflect what the people of Ecuador.
At the discretion of the Chief Executive, that religious body acts according to his convenience because "when it suits us all, and when they are alone they are."
Correa was critical of the manifesto that the Conference Episcopal Ecuatoriana on the referendum. The Head of State said that the referendum is a political process related to public policy, constitutional and legal and therefore it is questionable intervention of the Church.
However, Correa recalled that something similar happened in 2008 when church officials said that the Constitution was abortion, which would allow gay marriage and undermine private property arguments that were totally false.
The President also referred to Correa question five of the referendum on the restructuring of the Judicial Council in 18 months. The Head of State said that improving the judicial system does not take money, but rather a decision.
The President recalled that two years ago, the Government allocated to the Council of the Judiciary $ 90 million for the appointment of judges, but this process did not materialize. He recalled that in countries like Chile only 2% of audiences are unsuccessful, while in Ecuador only 40% is executed.
*** SNN
The President of the Republic, Rafael Correa, in a radio interview Scandalo in Portoviejo, lamented that the Catholic Church try to engage political campaign that revolves around the referendum to be held on 7 May. PHOTO: COURTESY
Portoviejo (Manabi) .- The President Correa said he was not surprised by the position Episcopal Conference against the referendum, because it is linked to ultra-conservative wing of the Church.
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa said the church was opposed to the Revolution Alfarista and now makes the Civic Revolution.
The Head of State said that the Civic Revolution have the same enemies of the Revolution Alfarista, ie the Church and the press. "They're repeating the same discourse of opposition (...) I feel very badly as a Catholic that the Church does not reflect what should be," he said.
Correa said it's no surprise the position of the clergy is not surprising, because as indicated by the Episcopal Conference is dominated by the ultraconservative wing of the Church, which does not reflect what the people of Ecuador.
At the discretion of the Chief Executive, that religious body acts according to his convenience because "when it suits us all, and when they are alone they are."
Correa was critical of the manifesto that the Conference Episcopal Ecuatoriana on the referendum. The Head of State said that the referendum is a political process related to public policy, constitutional and legal and therefore it is questionable intervention of the Church.
However, Correa recalled that something similar happened in 2008 when church officials said that the Constitution was abortion, which would allow gay marriage and undermine private property arguments that were totally false.
The President also referred to Correa question five of the referendum on the restructuring of the Judicial Council in 18 months. The Head of State said that improving the judicial system does not take money, but rather a decision.
The President recalled that two years ago, the Government allocated to the Council of the Judiciary $ 90 million for the appointment of judges, but this process did not materialize. He recalled that in countries like Chile only 2% of audiences are unsuccessful, while in Ecuador only 40% is executed.
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Traders relocating to Central Market
SNN ***
vegetables Some positions are already located within the market.
Buena Fe (La Hora) .- Because the provisions issued by the municipal authorities, some of the dealers are already being relocated to the Central Market of Canton Good Faith
From this week, several retailers have already opted to choose their positions in the market, with broom in hand on Wednesday morning, the vendors came to clean the place expend their products to consumers.
Susana Henríquez, Canton Municipal Commissioner Earnest reported that there is a willingness from the authorities for traders return to work within the house supplies.
added that the market is already enabled with all health and safety standards to provide good service to the public.
"One of the reasons why merchants do not want to work in the market is unsafe same, plus there are many retailers in the main streets and arcades of the city as unfair competition and buyers no longer reach the main supply center.
"Not to mention that the construction of a new market been the main supply of campaign the mayor Luis Zambrano in his two administrations and the work does not crystallize users say.
Call population
Henríquez calls on all citizens to is closer to the house of supplies to make their purchases, said it is strictly prohibited the marketing and sales vegetables, meats and seafood on the sidewalks and doorways of downtown.
also invited the public to make purchases of products such as dried beans, tender, seafood and cheese that are used for traditional fanesca stressed that all these products will be sold at the main corridor in the market.
noted the importance of the cooperation of the public so that there is movement inside the house supplies, and once finished with the presence of informal trade in the different streets of the city .
Price controls
Municipal Commissioner said that already under price controls on products used for the preparation of the fanesca, especially in cheese and fish.
"On Wednesday morning I received a few complaints on the rise in cheese prices by the wholesalers, I said let me know soon as they arrive on wholesalers to make a control to demand that I bring the official list price of cheese, because it has not risen, the product they are selling more expensive only because of the approaching Easter holiday, but will not allow the price rise.
We will have to retain the merchants selling the product at another price, so we need the intervention of the Political and the superintendent, "claimed the official.
The market offers a total of 39 posts of pulses, 35 of meat, cheese 8, 16 chicken, 36 and 12 seafood eaters.
SNN ***
vegetables Some positions are already located within the market.
Buena Fe (La Hora) .- Because the provisions issued by the municipal authorities, some of the dealers are already being relocated to the Central Market of Canton Good Faith
From this week, several retailers have already opted to choose their positions in the market, with broom in hand on Wednesday morning, the vendors came to clean the place expend their products to consumers.
Susana Henríquez, Canton Municipal Commissioner Earnest reported that there is a willingness from the authorities for traders return to work within the house supplies.
added that the market is already enabled with all health and safety standards to provide good service to the public.
"One of the reasons why merchants do not want to work in the market is unsafe same, plus there are many retailers in the main streets and arcades of the city as unfair competition and buyers no longer reach the main supply center.
"Not to mention that the construction of a new market been the main supply of campaign the mayor Luis Zambrano in his two administrations and the work does not crystallize users say.
Call population
Henríquez calls on all citizens to is closer to the house of supplies to make their purchases, said it is strictly prohibited the marketing and sales vegetables, meats and seafood on the sidewalks and doorways of downtown.
also invited the public to make purchases of products such as dried beans, tender, seafood and cheese that are used for traditional fanesca stressed that all these products will be sold at the main corridor in the market.
noted the importance of the cooperation of the public so that there is movement inside the house supplies, and once finished with the presence of informal trade in the different streets of the city .
Price controls
Municipal Commissioner said that already under price controls on products used for the preparation of the fanesca, especially in cheese and fish.
"On Wednesday morning I received a few complaints on the rise in cheese prices by the wholesalers, I said let me know soon as they arrive on wholesalers to make a control to demand that I bring the official list price of cheese, because it has not risen, the product they are selling more expensive only because of the approaching Easter holiday, but will not allow the price rise.
We will have to retain the merchants selling the product at another price, so we need the intervention of the Political and the superintendent, "claimed the official.
The market offers a total of 39 posts of pulses, 35 of meat, cheese 8, 16 chicken, 36 and 12 seafood eaters.
Criminal Court 12055 Queens Blvd
President Correa reaffirmed their commitment to achieving a more equitable country will
*** SNN
emblematic Real Eloy Alfaro already in Montecristi
Ciudad Alfaro (Montecristi) .- "I was not born to be a traitor, countrymen, here we are going to play life as Eloy Alfaro, at any cost to achieve justice, dignity and equality in our country," said the President of the Republic, Rafael Correa, during a ceremony in honor Patriotic Civic Recovery Emblematic of Goods Alfarista Revolution.
The president recalled that in Montecristi renewed commitment to never fail the people. "We were not elected to administer an outdated, corrupt system, but to transform the structures of this system and achieve a revolution in political, economic and social development. We are going to realize the ideals of the liberal revolution and the citizens' revolution", said .
also said that the current government is no selling, no never go back, no one takes a step back. "There is no way we can stop, "he said.
The president said that until there is a child without a school, a hungry child, while workers are exploited, their rights and continue mocking the peasants are still not earth. "Our duty to fight is still pending.
The Head of State received from the hands of the great granddaughter of Eloy Alfaro, Irene Márquez de la Plata, the sword of the old fighter, who Over the past 100 years was kept in the hands of their descendants.
The Saber is 93 inches long, two inches wide with the exception of irregularly shaped handle. Sword and scabbard are made of metal gold and silver, decorated in high and low reliefs. The handle is the shield of Ecuador and are deployed at the Gothic letters "EA" to correspond to the initials of Eloy Alfaro.
addition to the sword also highlighted in the museum in Ciudad Alfaro a civil suit, a miniature replica of the first train that left the coast and the Sierra and presidential staff to General Alfaro donated by the Company of Shoemakers of Guayaquil.
The sword with the rest of the assets of General Eloy Alfaro, will be part of the collection of goods emblematic of so-called "Condor of America" \u200b\u200bdisplaying City Alfaro.
During his speech, the President recalled the constant struggles Alfaro, who sought the freedom of the Indians, mestizos, poor. Alfaro said that is an example of a real fighter, who always tried to get the good of the oppressed class.
Before concluding his speech, the Head of State pointed out that the referendum is a battle for the dignity of that Ecuadorians will airy, more hopeful victorious than ever.
"Let's say yes to the future, yes to the country, yes to peace. We will achieve a new victory for popular, we will achieve the final victory," said the president against the hundreds of guests gathered at this event, which took place in Ciudad Alfaro.
After the activity, the Chief of State laid a wreath at the mausoleum, where the ashes of the old fighter. (Prensa Presidencial)
*** SNN
emblematic Real Eloy Alfaro already in Montecristi
Ciudad Alfaro (Montecristi) .- "I was not born to be a traitor, countrymen, here we are going to play life as Eloy Alfaro, at any cost to achieve justice, dignity and equality in our country," said the President of the Republic, Rafael Correa, during a ceremony in honor Patriotic Civic Recovery Emblematic of Goods Alfarista Revolution.
The president recalled that in Montecristi renewed commitment to never fail the people. "We were not elected to administer an outdated, corrupt system, but to transform the structures of this system and achieve a revolution in political, economic and social development. We are going to realize the ideals of the liberal revolution and the citizens' revolution", said .
also said that the current government is no selling, no never go back, no one takes a step back. "There is no way we can stop, "he said.
The president said that until there is a child without a school, a hungry child, while workers are exploited, their rights and continue mocking the peasants are still not earth. "Our duty to fight is still pending.
The Head of State received from the hands of the great granddaughter of Eloy Alfaro, Irene Márquez de la Plata, the sword of the old fighter, who Over the past 100 years was kept in the hands of their descendants.
The Saber is 93 inches long, two inches wide with the exception of irregularly shaped handle. Sword and scabbard are made of metal gold and silver, decorated in high and low reliefs. The handle is the shield of Ecuador and are deployed at the Gothic letters "EA" to correspond to the initials of Eloy Alfaro.
addition to the sword also highlighted in the museum in Ciudad Alfaro a civil suit, a miniature replica of the first train that left the coast and the Sierra and presidential staff to General Alfaro donated by the Company of Shoemakers of Guayaquil.
The sword with the rest of the assets of General Eloy Alfaro, will be part of the collection of goods emblematic of so-called "Condor of America" \u200b\u200bdisplaying City Alfaro.
During his speech, the President recalled the constant struggles Alfaro, who sought the freedom of the Indians, mestizos, poor. Alfaro said that is an example of a real fighter, who always tried to get the good of the oppressed class.
Before concluding his speech, the Head of State pointed out that the referendum is a battle for the dignity of that Ecuadorians will airy, more hopeful victorious than ever.
"Let's say yes to the future, yes to the country, yes to peace. We will achieve a new victory for popular, we will achieve the final victory," said the president against the hundreds of guests gathered at this event, which took place in Ciudad Alfaro.
After the activity, the Chief of State laid a wreath at the mausoleum, where the ashes of the old fighter. (Prensa Presidencial)
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Manta dealer linking the port with the airport
*** SNN
Portoviejo (Manabi) .- The Minister of Transport and Public Works, Maria de los Angeles Duarte, said he already has the budget to hire the distributor road to link the port to the airport Manta.
It gave announced at the Cabinet Traveling is done in the city of Portoviejo on Friday 25 March.
Secretary of State said that with this new path will become much more dynamic to the port of Manta that will soon be one of the sources of competitiveness of this country.
Similarly, highlighted the beginning of the first super-Quevedo Manta. And the connection of the Ecuador-Asia route through the Port of Manta.
noted that this port has the advantage of being located in a geographical point that is most pronounced across the continent.
The minister said that this is achieved by the work developed with local authorities and citizens.
also said that next week will be ready the regulations of the Production Code that allow the development of logistics zones and one of those will be Manta. "It's important that people know manabita all efforts by the Government and the tremendous investment of $ 7000 million on particularly in roads and transportation. "
*** SNN

Portoviejo (Manabi) .- The Minister of Transport and Public Works, Maria de los Angeles Duarte, said he already has the budget to hire the distributor road to link the port to the airport Manta.
It gave announced at the Cabinet Traveling is done in the city of Portoviejo on Friday 25 March.
Secretary of State said that with this new path will become much more dynamic to the port of Manta that will soon be one of the sources of competitiveness of this country.
Similarly, highlighted the beginning of the first super-Quevedo Manta. And the connection of the Ecuador-Asia route through the Port of Manta.
noted that this port has the advantage of being located in a geographical point that is most pronounced across the continent.
The minister said that this is achieved by the work developed with local authorities and citizens.
also said that next week will be ready the regulations of the Production Code that allow the development of logistics zones and one of those will be Manta. "It's important that people know manabita all efforts by the Government and the tremendous investment of $ 7000 million on particularly in roads and transportation. "
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Referees and schedules for the fifth day series B
*** SNN
Ecuadorian Football Championship Primera B
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 15:30
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 16:00
Match: River Plate vs. Chota valley
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 12:00
Party: D. QUEVEDO vs. FC Rocafuerte
Date: 27/03/2011 Time: 15:00
Match: Greece vs. ATL.AUDAZ
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 16:00
Party : vs Macara. CATHOLIC U.
Date: 27/03/2011 Time: 16:00
*** SNN
Ecuadorian Football Championship Primera B
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 15:30
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 16:00
Match: River Plate vs. Chota valley
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 12:00
Party: D. QUEVEDO vs. FC Rocafuerte
Date: 27/03/2011 Time: 15:00
Match: Greece vs. ATL.AUDAZ
Date: 26/03/2011 Time: 16:00
Party : vs Macara. CATHOLIC U.
Date: 27/03/2011 Time: 16:00
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Aguinaga is the new coach of Barcelona
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The new coach of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlex Aguinaga. Photo: ANDES
Quito, March 25 (Andes) .- The iconic former player Darius Ecuador Álex Aguinaga strategist will be the new Barcelona. This was confirmed by the same "Guero" by telephone with several Ecuadorian media.
Aguinaga reach the city of Guayaquil on Tuesday to officially replace the outgoing technical Argentine Ruben Dario Insua, who was unaffected today by the club president Alfonso Harb, so strong in a press conference held at the main port of Ecuador.
The tricolor World Cup in Japan-Korea 2002 will be linked to Barcelona for two months, until after the leadership of Harb, in June, when Barcelona partners call for elections.
Alex Aguinaga worked from last season and early this year as technical assistant to the America of Mexico, along with strategist Manuel Lapuente. Furthermore, in dialogue with Huancavilca radio said that he favors the 4-4-2 scheme.
ibarreña The coaching staff will consist of Roberto Basagastegui, Víctor Manuel Aguado, René Garcia and Miguel Angel Lopez. "It's a very cute challenge to reach one of the greats of Ecuador, so I'm totally grateful to the leadership for having taken into account," the "Guero" who has his mind on some point lead to the selection Ecuador.
In the past day, Barcelona thrashed visitor was 4-0 to Olmedo Riobamba (Andean center of the country), which dropped the team three steps to ninth place with 11 points from 12 teams, while the leader local tournament with 23 units, Deportivo Quito, Aguinaga former team, where he jumped to the Mexican soccer.
Aguinaga is known primarily for his role in the selection and because it was the best foreign player of the decade in Mexico, thanks to titles that managed to Table of Necaxa.
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The new coach of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlex Aguinaga. Photo: ANDES
Quito, March 25 (Andes) .- The iconic former player Darius Ecuador Álex Aguinaga strategist will be the new Barcelona. This was confirmed by the same "Guero" by telephone with several Ecuadorian media.
Aguinaga reach the city of Guayaquil on Tuesday to officially replace the outgoing technical Argentine Ruben Dario Insua, who was unaffected today by the club president Alfonso Harb, so strong in a press conference held at the main port of Ecuador.
The tricolor World Cup in Japan-Korea 2002 will be linked to Barcelona for two months, until after the leadership of Harb, in June, when Barcelona partners call for elections.
Alex Aguinaga worked from last season and early this year as technical assistant to the America of Mexico, along with strategist Manuel Lapuente. Furthermore, in dialogue with Huancavilca radio said that he favors the 4-4-2 scheme.
ibarreña The coaching staff will consist of Roberto Basagastegui, Víctor Manuel Aguado, René Garcia and Miguel Angel Lopez. "It's a very cute challenge to reach one of the greats of Ecuador, so I'm totally grateful to the leadership for having taken into account," the "Guero" who has his mind on some point lead to the selection Ecuador.
In the past day, Barcelona thrashed visitor was 4-0 to Olmedo Riobamba (Andean center of the country), which dropped the team three steps to ninth place with 11 points from 12 teams, while the leader local tournament with 23 units, Deportivo Quito, Aguinaga former team, where he jumped to the Mexican soccer.
Aguinaga is known primarily for his role in the selection and because it was the best foreign player of the decade in Mexico, thanks to titles that managed to Table of Necaxa.
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Blade of the Old Fighter returns to Montecristi
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civic In a tribute, the family of Old Fighter handed his sword to the mausoleum of Ciudad Alfaro. Photo: Eduardo Flores / Andes.
Montecristi (Manabi), March 25 (Andes) .- Now the sword of the Old Campaigner resting with his other belongings in Ciudad Alfaro for Ecuadorians safeguarded.
tribute in a deep civic, the Government provided through the family of Eloy Alfaro, "the ceremonial sword the revolutionary general "to the mausoleum of Montecristi, in the province of Manabi.
The granddaughter of Old Campaigner and former President of the Republic was responsible for delivering the president Rafael Correa's golden sword, emblem of the liberal revolution driven by the end of the nineteenth century.
Town President Alfaro, Tatiana Hidrobo, said during the ceremony that "everyone can see and reflect on the process of revolution through exposure Alfaro flagship property."
For his part, Minister of Heritage coordinator, Maria Fernanda Espinosa said the collection of clothing consists of Mason, the civil suit and cane donated by the Company of Shoemakers of Guayaquil , which recalls the emergence of the middle and working class in the country.
also included the scale replica of the National Railway. When 15,000 documents have been recovered from the Revolution Alfarista. "The costumes, the staff and ceremonial sword are pieces that were until recently in the hands of their descendants, those who have given invaluable in a gesture of confidence, "added Espinosa.
Old Campaigner's family requested that the parts are assembled in this historic place "so that we can finally honor the memory of Eloy Alfaro," concluded the minister.
loud applause, and the background of the country song performed live, were the ingredients that engulfed the atmosphere in a solemn atmosphere. At the end of the ceremony, President Rafael Correa laid a wreath at the mausoleum.
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civic In a tribute, the family of Old Fighter handed his sword to the mausoleum of Ciudad Alfaro. Photo: Eduardo Flores / Andes.
Montecristi (Manabi), March 25 (Andes) .- Now the sword of the Old Campaigner resting with his other belongings in Ciudad Alfaro for Ecuadorians safeguarded.
tribute in a deep civic, the Government provided through the family of Eloy Alfaro, "the ceremonial sword the revolutionary general "to the mausoleum of Montecristi, in the province of Manabi.
The granddaughter of Old Campaigner and former President of the Republic was responsible for delivering the president Rafael Correa's golden sword, emblem of the liberal revolution driven by the end of the nineteenth century.
Town President Alfaro, Tatiana Hidrobo, said during the ceremony that "everyone can see and reflect on the process of revolution through exposure Alfaro flagship property."
For his part, Minister of Heritage coordinator, Maria Fernanda Espinosa said the collection of clothing consists of Mason, the civil suit and cane donated by the Company of Shoemakers of Guayaquil , which recalls the emergence of the middle and working class in the country.
also included the scale replica of the National Railway. When 15,000 documents have been recovered from the Revolution Alfarista. "The costumes, the staff and ceremonial sword are pieces that were until recently in the hands of their descendants, those who have given invaluable in a gesture of confidence, "added Espinosa.
Old Campaigner's family requested that the parts are assembled in this historic place "so that we can finally honor the memory of Eloy Alfaro," concluded the minister.
loud applause, and the background of the country song performed live, were the ingredients that engulfed the atmosphere in a solemn atmosphere. At the end of the ceremony, President Rafael Correa laid a wreath at the mausoleum.
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When they die because they are women Harb
Karla Pesantes appears on a main road with their hands tied in the back and strangled.
In essence, femicide death involves extreme violence of a victim by her womanhood.
They generally have suffered domestic abuse at home and not have dared to denounce their aggressors. If they had, their deaths might have been avoided. The term also includes the murders carried out by men motivated by a misguided sense of ownership of women and deaths involving sexual abuse and rape.
He describes the first investigation of femicide held in Ecuador, in charge of the Transition Commission to the Council of Women and Gender Equality, and Cepam. Both groups sift through hundreds of court records. "There were cases where the coroner or the prosecutor did not even bother the trouble to specify in the veneer if it was a woman, "says Ana Carcedo, master Rican responsible for advising the Ecuadorian professionals.
According to the study, femicide is a trend visible in the 90's when the deaths of thousands of women in Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) attracted international attention on the risk because they live their gender.
"Criminalizing the crime in the Ecuadorian Code would focus attention to the fact and do not rule out the death of a woman as a simple murder when they have different scenarios and motivations, would give us the cultural push to investigate thoroughly, "said Carcedo.
In Costa Rica, following the work of Carcedo achieved femicide include a crime punishable with 35 years' imprisonment. Guatemala, Mexico and Chile have also recently this criminal offense.
Living battered
According to United Nations Organization, every 18 seconds a woman is battered in the world, and in Ecuador, data recorded Transition Council that four of 10 women living in a situation of domestic abuse, regardless of social or economic status. "We must recognize that violence and death to women does not distinguish whether she is rich or poor. It is a macho society problem, "says the lawyer Marena Briones.
research leaked in 170 cases of death in women in Guayaquil, Esmeraldas, Cuenca and Portoviejo. There were 80 homicides, of which 62 correspond to femicide, over 77 percent of the total.
Ecuador is on the average Latin American statistics femicide with an annual rate of five deaths from this crime in every 100 thousand women. According Carcedo does not guarantee that data are not duplicated, Honduras and Guatemala in 2000 had a similar rate to Ecuador. Today, both nations are committed 93 murders of women per year for every 100 000 women.
Although Ecuador is not yet at the forefront of these statistics, Patricia Reyes, coordinator of Cepam, states that the concern is that most women are femicide murders. "This requires us to review the way these crimes are investigated by the state. Often a woman is dying in the house and placed on file who died from falling off the stairs, not an inquiry is made, it is not related to the history of abuse he suffered, "he emphasizes.
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Research confirms that relationships are the first stage high-risk women. The cry, the slap or the initial shock occur at home, in coexistence. What happened to Johanna 26, common-law for five years, suffered abuse by three until one day it dawned stabbed by jealous, says the judicial part.
The study partners and former partners were responsible for 76 percent of these murders of women, taking place under the logic of immediate control and jealousy, they tried to prevent violence or wanting to be separated are killed.
A new stage of femicide is in gangs or drug trafficking organizations. In some cases, the leader of the band assumes that the woman belongs to him so his life can be discarded. In others, it is treated as an object to collect a debt or take revenge against an enemy.
Whatever the scenario, the findings of this first report show that gender discrimination is no stranger in Ecuador and that femicide is the last link in the chain of violence. The solution is to attack women's insecurity, a problem that the State must investigate murders and rescuing women living in domestic abuse.
Karla Pesantes appears on a main road with their hands tied in the back and strangled.
In essence, femicide death involves extreme violence of a victim by her womanhood.
They generally have suffered domestic abuse at home and not have dared to denounce their aggressors. If they had, their deaths might have been avoided. The term also includes the murders carried out by men motivated by a misguided sense of ownership of women and deaths involving sexual abuse and rape.
He describes the first investigation of femicide held in Ecuador, in charge of the Transition Commission to the Council of Women and Gender Equality, and Cepam. Both groups sift through hundreds of court records. "There were cases where the coroner or the prosecutor did not even bother the trouble to specify in the veneer if it was a woman, "says Ana Carcedo, master Rican responsible for advising the Ecuadorian professionals.
According to the study, femicide is a trend visible in the 90's when the deaths of thousands of women in Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) attracted international attention on the risk because they live their gender.
"Criminalizing the crime in the Ecuadorian Code would focus attention to the fact and do not rule out the death of a woman as a simple murder when they have different scenarios and motivations, would give us the cultural push to investigate thoroughly, "said Carcedo.
In Costa Rica, following the work of Carcedo achieved femicide include a crime punishable with 35 years' imprisonment. Guatemala, Mexico and Chile have also recently this criminal offense.
Living battered
According to United Nations Organization, every 18 seconds a woman is battered in the world, and in Ecuador, data recorded Transition Council that four of 10 women living in a situation of domestic abuse, regardless of social or economic status. "We must recognize that violence and death to women does not distinguish whether she is rich or poor. It is a macho society problem, "says the lawyer Marena Briones.
research leaked in 170 cases of death in women in Guayaquil, Esmeraldas, Cuenca and Portoviejo. There were 80 homicides, of which 62 correspond to femicide, over 77 percent of the total.
Ecuador is on the average Latin American statistics femicide with an annual rate of five deaths from this crime in every 100 thousand women. According Carcedo does not guarantee that data are not duplicated, Honduras and Guatemala in 2000 had a similar rate to Ecuador. Today, both nations are committed 93 murders of women per year for every 100 000 women.
Although Ecuador is not yet at the forefront of these statistics, Patricia Reyes, coordinator of Cepam, states that the concern is that most women are femicide murders. "This requires us to review the way these crimes are investigated by the state. Often a woman is dying in the house and placed on file who died from falling off the stairs, not an inquiry is made, it is not related to the history of abuse he suffered, "he emphasizes.
Sleeping with the enemy
Research confirms that relationships are the first stage high-risk women. The cry, the slap or the initial shock occur at home, in coexistence. What happened to Johanna 26, common-law for five years, suffered abuse by three until one day it dawned stabbed by jealous, says the judicial part.
The study partners and former partners were responsible for 76 percent of these murders of women, taking place under the logic of immediate control and jealousy, they tried to prevent violence or wanting to be separated are killed.
A new stage of femicide is in gangs or drug trafficking organizations. In some cases, the leader of the band assumes that the woman belongs to him so his life can be discarded. In others, it is treated as an object to collect a debt or take revenge against an enemy.
Whatever the scenario, the findings of this first report show that gender discrimination is no stranger in Ecuador and that femicide is the last link in the chain of violence. The solution is to attack women's insecurity, a problem that the State must investigate murders and rescuing women living in domestic abuse.
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Insúa fires and calls it
*** SNN
Alfonso Harb, president of Yellow Club today announced that the Argentine Ruben Dario Insua is no coach idol Shipyard.
Ruben Dario Insua : "I no catches my attention, but my mom and dad"
Statements Argentine strategist gave yesterday to the media about the changes promoted were announced in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band the MIMS Insua said they would not, landed hard on the leadership which led to the decision to terminate the relationship of the poet.
His remarks affected the principle of authority, said Alfonso Harb, president of Barcelona. "He went to confront none other than the chairman of the club," he said.
"Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhis fans, his leadership, it has to wait when the coach believes that this will turn," said Harb. He said that while other teams play and win, Barcelona humiliation can not stand sports like we suffered last Sunday.
When Insua, who Harb called "employee", says "nobody calls me the attention," is challenging the principle of authority, the president reiterated yellow.
"Insua wanted to beat us to the public," Harb said, adding that the coach is looking for a series of excuses for a bad campaign, referring to statements Insua on economic problems of the institution that led him to say that there was no team for lunch.
Harb denied this. He said this was a fallacy, a lie perverse Insua, who said that sport had fatal results.
showed a document, the "handwriting" of Insúa with reference to players who wanted to stay in this season and requested reinforcements. Not "come with more stories."
Insúa The problem is that living in the past. Wants to address only the players he went he said Harb, referring to statements that Insua on 90 in Barcelona things better handled institutionally.
"The teacher is no more technical Insua de Barcelona", said Harb, who said that in the afternoon he will meet with the squad of players. "They are required because they are paid by the club." "I'm not like the leaders of Deportivo Quito," said the manager, ahead of a possible support of the Barcelona players at DT outgoing, such as in a crisis Deportivo Quito lived when I went Insua and had problems with their leaders.
Harb said he will try to find a technician to complete this stage and will release the candidates for president of the club names motions. Elections are scheduled in June at the institution.
During last night and this morning some bullfighters players have given their disapproval criteria Insúa output. One was the Argentine-Pablo Saucedo said he does not consider that correct Exit the coach, and that those responsible for the crisis in Barcelona are all players, coaches and leaders.
*** SNN
Alfonso Harb, president of Yellow Club today announced that the Argentine Ruben Dario Insua is no coach idol Shipyard.
Statements Argentine strategist gave yesterday to the media about the changes promoted were announced in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band the MIMS Insua said they would not, landed hard on the leadership which led to the decision to terminate the relationship of the poet.
His remarks affected the principle of authority, said Alfonso Harb, president of Barcelona. "He went to confront none other than the chairman of the club," he said.
"Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhis fans, his leadership, it has to wait when the coach believes that this will turn," said Harb. He said that while other teams play and win, Barcelona humiliation can not stand sports like we suffered last Sunday.
When Insua, who Harb called "employee", says "nobody calls me the attention," is challenging the principle of authority, the president reiterated yellow.
"Insua wanted to beat us to the public," Harb said, adding that the coach is looking for a series of excuses for a bad campaign, referring to statements Insua on economic problems of the institution that led him to say that there was no team for lunch.
Harb denied this. He said this was a fallacy, a lie perverse Insua, who said that sport had fatal results.
showed a document, the "handwriting" of Insúa with reference to players who wanted to stay in this season and requested reinforcements. Not "come with more stories."
Insúa The problem is that living in the past. Wants to address only the players he went he said Harb, referring to statements that Insua on 90 in Barcelona things better handled institutionally.
"The teacher is no more technical Insua de Barcelona", said Harb, who said that in the afternoon he will meet with the squad of players. "They are required because they are paid by the club." "I'm not like the leaders of Deportivo Quito," said the manager, ahead of a possible support of the Barcelona players at DT outgoing, such as in a crisis Deportivo Quito lived when I went Insua and had problems with their leaders.
Harb said he will try to find a technician to complete this stage and will release the candidates for president of the club names motions. Elections are scheduled in June at the institution.
During last night and this morning some bullfighters players have given their disapproval criteria Insúa output. One was the Argentine-Pablo Saucedo said he does not consider that correct Exit the coach, and that those responsible for the crisis in Barcelona are all players, coaches and leaders.
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Insúa liar: "I no catches my attention, but my mom and dad "get the sword
*** SNN
Dario Insua, SC Barcelona coach.
The Universe .- The Argentine coach of Barcelona Sporting Club, Ruben Dario Insua, spoke on Thursday with Rumba Sports Radio and revealed some details of the conversation he had with the leadership on Monday.
"I talked with Mr. Harb on Monday. He called me and asked me to talk to me as on other occasions. I talked a rather long time, especially with regard to the basic needs of the football team."
"For me as a coach, it was a normal conversation. Much of what I've heard and read has caught my attention, but no more than normal for the situation that the club does years. Then I am a professional, occupied the place where I belong and work. "
"When I offered to Barcelona last year, I did for fifteen months, and that I am willing to comply. I presume that should know the way I work and my qualities as a professional from the start. The project team needs to respect sports and football, so at some point have any desire to fight back up. "
"I no strikes me except my mother and my father in Buenos Aires, first. Second, read and heard many things about the team, some real and others no. I never tell my opinion about what another person. I meet April 17 fifty years and I have my opinion well-formed ".
" There are things that distressed me, especially since a club the prestige of Barcelona is a victim, not transcend, for good things within the court, that is what should be targeted, "he said.
" The clubs that are successful here in the country are those who respect people who respect their commitments and the projects proposed. That needs to do, starting with the Ecuadorian soccer team with the Colombian line and style of the teacher Vizuete. These are examples to follow. "
" We need to learn to live normally. Are factors that lead to a successful club. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor example, never had a coaching staff from January to December, and those who have done so are those who have given victory lap inside and outside the country. "
" A about respect and logic do not make public the talks with the leaders and people of the clubs that hire me. If Barcelona hired me from the outset knew the style of football and I like to use system, and will remain while I'm in the team. "
also ruled that President Harb he has drawn attention as expressed in various media. Regrets have been brought to light more information detrimental to the team, some real and others totally false.
"I care not flame me anyone. I've heard a lot mentioned about what happens to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfew things match the reality others are not. Some cause me some sadness, I feel sad that a club of Barcelona's prestigious news is constantly in conflict, transcend not good things are reflected in the field of play is what Barcelona has to point, "he said.
Insúa formula for Barcelona exit years title drought and football results is based on respect for the processes and people working in the club.
"The only way that can lead to Barcelona on the road to success is having strength institutional and economic and once again be strong this football, you must have a plan of work, respect for the processes sports and through that every one in place worry that the institution is doing well. When that happens will be reflected on the football team. Inverse theories do not see success, "he said.
The conformation of the template 2011, as the helmsman of Argentina, was made according to the economic possibilities of the computer. Therefore it is essential respect and support the work processes to match the teams that spent more: "If you have intelligence and work, at any time of year you can get to match teams from higher economic wealth."
finally talked about the cases of Argentina Rodrigo Marangoni and winger Miguel Ibarra, who have not received enough opportunities in the current season.
"It's two months to finish this stage. A foreign player can adapt fast or can not adapt. The Ecuadorian football is very complex. Over time one will see in right time if you need to change mid-season to strengthen the team, "said the Argentine on Marangoni.
And on Ibarra said, "is a good player, only now is reaching a very good physical, technical, almost did not play the second half of last year, did much of the preseason. Is pretty good, it is likely that the next game and can start as a starter. "
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Dario Insua, SC Barcelona coach.

"For me as a coach, it was a normal conversation. Much of what I've heard and read has caught my attention, but no more than normal for the situation that the club does years. Then I am a professional, occupied the place where I belong and work. "
"When I offered to Barcelona last year, I did for fifteen months, and that I am willing to comply. I presume that should know the way I work and my qualities as a professional from the start. The project team needs to respect sports and football, so at some point have any desire to fight back up. "
"I no strikes me except my mother and my father in Buenos Aires, first. Second, read and heard many things about the team, some real and others no. I never tell my opinion about what another person. I meet April 17 fifty years and I have my opinion well-formed ".
" There are things that distressed me, especially since a club the prestige of Barcelona is a victim, not transcend, for good things within the court, that is what should be targeted, "he said.
" The clubs that are successful here in the country are those who respect people who respect their commitments and the projects proposed. That needs to do, starting with the Ecuadorian soccer team with the Colombian line and style of the teacher Vizuete. These are examples to follow. "
" We need to learn to live normally. Are factors that lead to a successful club. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor example, never had a coaching staff from January to December, and those who have done so are those who have given victory lap inside and outside the country. "
" A about respect and logic do not make public the talks with the leaders and people of the clubs that hire me. If Barcelona hired me from the outset knew the style of football and I like to use system, and will remain while I'm in the team. "
also ruled that President Harb he has drawn attention as expressed in various media. Regrets have been brought to light more information detrimental to the team, some real and others totally false.
"I care not flame me anyone. I've heard a lot mentioned about what happens to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfew things match the reality others are not. Some cause me some sadness, I feel sad that a club of Barcelona's prestigious news is constantly in conflict, transcend not good things are reflected in the field of play is what Barcelona has to point, "he said.
Insúa formula for Barcelona exit years title drought and football results is based on respect for the processes and people working in the club.
"The only way that can lead to Barcelona on the road to success is having strength institutional and economic and once again be strong this football, you must have a plan of work, respect for the processes sports and through that every one in place worry that the institution is doing well. When that happens will be reflected on the football team. Inverse theories do not see success, "he said.
The conformation of the template 2011, as the helmsman of Argentina, was made according to the economic possibilities of the computer. Therefore it is essential respect and support the work processes to match the teams that spent more: "If you have intelligence and work, at any time of year you can get to match teams from higher economic wealth."
finally talked about the cases of Argentina Rodrigo Marangoni and winger Miguel Ibarra, who have not received enough opportunities in the current season.
"It's two months to finish this stage. A foreign player can adapt fast or can not adapt. The Ecuadorian football is very complex. Over time one will see in right time if you need to change mid-season to strengthen the team, "said the Argentine on Marangoni.
And on Ibarra said, "is a good player, only now is reaching a very good physical, technical, almost did not play the second half of last year, did much of the preseason. Is pretty good, it is likely that the next game and can start as a starter. "
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Ecuadorian Eloy Alfaro
*** SNN
By: Agencia EFE
This was stated by Efe Tatiana Hidrovo, historian and president of the civic center "Ciudad Alfaro", where citizens can see the sword and baton general, the state bought the Alfaro family (1842-1912) by $ 62,000, although in reality "the pieces are priceless."
The sword of the "Old Fighter" was in the house of one of the general's family under "80,000 keys," Efe said his granddaughter Irene Marquez de la Plata.
Of 93 inches long, an average of two inches wide, except for irregularly shaped handle, sword and scabbard were gold and silver metal, decorated in high and low reliefs.
"There is a piece that is used for war, is a kind of emblem, symbol: it is more like a piece of art, a symbol of triumph of the Ecuadorian people's struggle for nineteenth century to build a democratic state of law, "said Hidrovo.
The sword, which has a coat of Ecuador before 1910, recalls a historical process in the country.
"armed demonstrations begin in 1864, triumph after 31 years of struggle, and from 1895 to 1912 carried out a series of profound changes that can lay the foundations of state national and state law, "said Hidrovo.
recalled that were consolidated in part "the borders, the first fundamental civil rights, establishing a precedent stronger sense of national sovereignty, is carrying out a series of transformations of a liberal radical. "
In the fight Alfaro consolidated several respects: they were separated Church and State, consolidated the right to freedom of expression, freedom of worship and created the basic system of secular public education, among others, recalled.
"We want to appeal to the sword as an instrument of war, but peace, because the process of popular struggle based on guerrilla warfare and fought in the nineteenth century," he said .
Even then, he said, "created the foundations for a democratic state" and now corresponds to "continue this process of profound change on the basis of a peace process and democracy."
also be delivered today to the citizens the baton Alfaro, given the general and twice president of Ecuador for the shoe company, "tangible proof of how a the middle class and how it starts to become a political actor, "he said.
told Marquez de la Plata that winning the battle in 1895 before he was to proclaim the Republic's supreme leader, Alfaro told his wife, Dona Ana, a telegram to Panama: "Lady put her foot sword libertarian. Bless providence, we embrace our children. "
Márquez de la Plata, 48, is one of five great-grandchildren of Alfaro who still lives in Ecuador, where there are also 3 great-grandchildren and ten chuznietos, and ensures that it vein Alfarista marked the life.
The joy that invokes the talk of the struggle and revolution Alfaro liberal (1895-1924) is opaque to remember how the "old fighter" was assassinated in 1912 by a mob entered the jail in Quito where he was imprisoned.
Revolution Monument
She lived with her grandfather, the boy featured in the Alfaro knees in historical photographs. He remembers that his grandfather was a "very just and fair", it made no difference or economic class, and it has passed through generations, he said.
*** SNN
By: Agencia EFE
be displayed in Montecristi, the birthplace of the leader of the Liberal Revolution, "a symbol of peace and remembrance of the struggle for change.
This was stated by Efe Tatiana Hidrovo, historian and president of the civic center "Ciudad Alfaro", where citizens can see the sword and baton general, the state bought the Alfaro family (1842-1912) by $ 62,000, although in reality "the pieces are priceless."

Of 93 inches long, an average of two inches wide, except for irregularly shaped handle, sword and scabbard were gold and silver metal, decorated in high and low reliefs.
"There is a piece that is used for war, is a kind of emblem, symbol: it is more like a piece of art, a symbol of triumph of the Ecuadorian people's struggle for nineteenth century to build a democratic state of law, "said Hidrovo.
The sword, which has a coat of Ecuador before 1910, recalls a historical process in the country.
"armed demonstrations begin in 1864, triumph after 31 years of struggle, and from 1895 to 1912 carried out a series of profound changes that can lay the foundations of state national and state law, "said Hidrovo.
recalled that were consolidated in part "the borders, the first fundamental civil rights, establishing a precedent stronger sense of national sovereignty, is carrying out a series of transformations of a liberal radical. "
In the fight Alfaro consolidated several respects: they were separated Church and State, consolidated the right to freedom of expression, freedom of worship and created the basic system of secular public education, among others, recalled.
"We want to appeal to the sword as an instrument of war, but peace, because the process of popular struggle based on guerrilla warfare and fought in the nineteenth century," he said .

also be delivered today to the citizens the baton Alfaro, given the general and twice president of Ecuador for the shoe company, "tangible proof of how a the middle class and how it starts to become a political actor, "he said.
told Marquez de la Plata that winning the battle in 1895 before he was to proclaim the Republic's supreme leader, Alfaro told his wife, Dona Ana, a telegram to Panama: "Lady put her foot sword libertarian. Bless providence, we embrace our children. "
Márquez de la Plata, 48, is one of five great-grandchildren of Alfaro who still lives in Ecuador, where there are also 3 great-grandchildren and ten chuznietos, and ensures that it vein Alfarista marked the life.
The joy that invokes the talk of the struggle and revolution Alfaro liberal (1895-1924) is opaque to remember how the "old fighter" was assassinated in 1912 by a mob entered the jail in Quito where he was imprisoned.
Revolution Monument
She lived with her grandfather, the boy featured in the Alfaro knees in historical photographs. He remembers that his grandfather was a "very just and fair", it made no difference or economic class, and it has passed through generations, he said.
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