Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Store Names For A Resale

Microsoft offers plugin for Word

Microsoft Generally one associates more with the marketing and business office software, and you'd think they do not have the slightest interest to benefit the stakeholders in science.
For this reason, the day February 2, 2011 we were very surprised to receive an e-mail revealing that Microsoft has released version 1.0 of a free pluguin word chemistry. The same is called chem4word lets you draw chemical formulas and contains additional data and compatibility with chemical databases.

We do not know how useful this tool is to facilitate the work of chemists, but apparently the developers see it as an application example of the new trend "semantics" where the data contain additional items that give more utility (in this case the name of each atom in the formula, for example). Apparently the group is interested in further developing the software to include with the formulas other related data such as spectroscopic peaks of a molecule.

The beta version was launched in 2010 at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society. version 1.0 was released on January 1.

For more files, links, pictures and things of chemical engineering, nanotechnology, etc. Click Here


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