This week in San Francisco is conducting the conference " IS & T / SPIE Electronic Imaging ." The same covers many topics related to the acquisition electronics and image processing.
We had the opportunity to attend some talks on Monday and they share the following notes.
Several companies are investigating how to improve images by choosing the fixing of "flight time" or "Time of Flight" TOF imaging. This method is to illuminate a scene with a modulated light source, which is usually performed with infrared LEDs. The variation in the time of the light entering the camera on a given pixel is compared with modulation used in the light emitter. The phase difference between them is proportional to the time it took the light to reach the camera after bouncing the object. In this way you get a picture in which the intensity of each pixel indicates the distance from this to the camera. The method allows three-dimensional images using a single camera. Remain to be solved several problems, for example due to multiple bounces of light, or errors due to differences in reflectivity of different materials. New algorithms can solve some of these issues, such as operating at two different frequencies bounce effects can be compensated. Another
use video card or GPU (Graphics Processing Units), data processing in general. A new acronym is found GPGPU (General-purpose computing on graphics processing units). Some new video cards have hundreds of processors or "cores" that under certain conditions can greatly facilitate the implementation of parallel computations. While the idea origial of this hardware to accelerate image processing, especially in the context of video games, it is clear that these applications go far beyond this, and as software and hardware advances will increasingly be used but in certain industrial and scientific applications, especially on issues that can be divided easily into a large number of simple calculations (easily parallelizable).
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