The database DDB ( Dortmund Data Bank, Germany ) contains thermodynamic data on many compounds pure and mixed. A small part of the database is available for free.
free version to download . Calculation of properties
Below we list what properties can be found in the database:
properties of pure compounds
- PVT data (vapor pressure, critical properties, density, virial coefficients, and others)
- transport properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity, ...)
- Enthalpies (phase change training
....) - Heat capacity
- Surface tension
- etc. Properties
mixtures - Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium
- Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (miscibility)
- solid-liquid equilibrium (solubility)
- dilution activity coefficient infinite
- Solubility of gases
azeotropes Properties - Heats of mixing
- Densities, volumes and volumes
excess - excess heat of mixing
mixtures critical properties - Solubility of salts
- vapor-liquid equilibrium for mixtures with electrolytes
- partition coefficient octanol-water
- Equilibrium adsorption
- Information polymers
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