The other day I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I have only a few things to say about it, Indiana Jones and Star Wars are two totally different worlds, should know Mr. Lucas and Harrison Ford is always the fucking master, 65 years I want to be like him.

Few would dare to expose their bodies as did John Paul Stapp. Colonel Stapp was a volunteer guinea pigs tested at speeds that topped 632 miles per hour (1017km / h), mounted on a sled on rails powered rocket. Thus passed into history as the fastest man on earth. His contribution to advances in aircraft safety systems was his legacy, the effects of experiments on his body would join the rest of his life.

Stapp, had a doctorate in biophysics, a medical degree and an honorary Doctor of Science. After joining the army in 1944, his knowledge so inclined to try to understand the tensions that would be faced by the pilots, in a research program in road survival U.S. Air Force. Therefore became his own test subject, participating voluntarily in 29 experiments rocket-powered sleds.
The "human decelerator" ("Gee whiz") was the name they knew the experimental apparatus, was a kind of sled about 680 kg of weight rocket-propelled, mounted on a track of normal width of 610 m. The platform had a mechanical braking system that was probably one of the most powerful ever built.
In his most famous journey, December 10, 1954, a rocket accelerates from a point at a speed of 632 miles per hour in just five seconds, then abruptly stopping at a stop in just 1.4 seconds. Stapp suffered repeated and various injuries including broken limbs and ribs. After the experiments, Stapp shows the effect on its "red eye" caused by broken capillaries and bleeding. Without doubt the most vulnerable of human anatomy were the eyes, trauma that endured throughout his life: persistent vision problems caused by the repeated explosion of blood vessels accompanied him the rest of his days.

His experiments had a profound impact on safety systems in civil aviation and military, were used to design safer aircraft and ejection seats that could save the lives of hundreds of pilots in emergency. In addition, diagnosis of the effects of speed on his body allowed to provide the tension that could be experienced by future space travelers.
The legacy of John Paul Stapp is not limited to air. His experiments proved the effectiveness of using a seat belt in cars (and we'll mention later), showing that increases the chances of survival in case of accidents. John Paul Stapp was a major proponent of its use.
Stapp retired from the army in 1970 with the rank of colonel in 1970. Died peacefully at home at the age of 89.
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