Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Backyard Privacy Ideas
world's Internet users unite! We're in luck because the best browser there so far (I think) has a new version, 3.0, say it is a breakthrough and solve the memory problem (among others) already in the old version was being a nuisance many tabs open simultaneously and make much use of streaming, so no more I invite you to download this great browser. Click on image to download.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Camara In Side A Vergina
messenger addicts
Two boys aged 12 and 13 years of Lleida are receiving treatment for addiction to mobile phones and instant messaging program through Internet Messenger.
came for his addiction to Messenger but we also had phone addiction, "said center director, Maite Utgés, which clarified that the behavior disorder of children had led to school failure, advanced the" Segre 'and' La Vanguardia '.
One of them is three months and another seven in a treatment that will last at least two years as the director who said that both had your year and a half before going to the center without supervision by parents. One of them took advantage of the tips of the family to recharge the card.
center Lleida is treating 20 children and youth Internet addiction of which 17 have addiction Messenger, according to its director.

came for his addiction to Messenger but we also had phone addiction, "said center director, Maite Utgés, which clarified that the behavior disorder of children had led to school failure, advanced the" Segre 'and' La Vanguardia '.
One of them is three months and another seven in a treatment that will last at least two years as the director who said that both had your year and a half before going to the center without supervision by parents. One of them took advantage of the tips of the family to recharge the card.
center Lleida is treating 20 children and youth Internet addiction of which 17 have addiction Messenger, according to its director.
How Long Does It Take Flagyl For Trich To Work
After two years of discussions and disagreements, Pluto, that planet became a dwarf planet, will now be a plutoid. This is how the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has decided to classify celestial bodies like the Trans-formerly the ninth planet in the solar system. According to the IAU celestial objects all small, nearly spherical, orbiting the sun beyond Neptune will be called plutoids.
will be recalled that in 2006 the IAU decided to strip Pluto of its status as a planet, and was called a dwarf planet. The IAU is the agency responsible for approving and regulating all the new names and classifications astronomical.
IAU then claimed that a classification was necessary because with the new telescope technology had begun to discover very distant objects similar to or larger than Pluto. Without a new classification, the organization said, with these new discoveries soon textbooks would be talking about 50 or more "planets in the solar system.
Thus, the organization took the historic decision to reclassify the solar system and its eight great words: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
As explained by the IAU in order to be defined as plutoids, the bodies of the solar system must have: enough mass to hold its own gravity and the volume of the body has a nearly spherical shape. You also need a minimum amount of light.

will be recalled that in 2006 the IAU decided to strip Pluto of its status as a planet, and was called a dwarf planet. The IAU is the agency responsible for approving and regulating all the new names and classifications astronomical.
IAU then claimed that a classification was necessary because with the new telescope technology had begun to discover very distant objects similar to or larger than Pluto. Without a new classification, the organization said, with these new discoveries soon textbooks would be talking about 50 or more "planets in the solar system.
Thus, the organization took the historic decision to reclassify the solar system and its eight great words: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
As explained by the IAU in order to be defined as plutoids, the bodies of the solar system must have: enough mass to hold its own gravity and the volume of the body has a nearly spherical shape. You also need a minimum amount of light.
Mount&blade Mod Gun 1.011
The Network layer
Most of us have been violently awakened in the middle of the night by a noisy neighbor. Very soon, however, this may not happen again to us with a new Acoustic invisibility cloak. This is a new material, according to scientists at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, you can make objects "impervious" to the sound waves. And he could build houses, concert halls, or even warships to sound check, says the study published in New Journal of Physics (New Journal of Physics).
know that sound, like light, is transmitted by waves. And the solid disrupt its passage. Past studies proposed that the call is possible acoustic invisibility surrounding an object with a "blanket." Thus, sound waves, to reach the object, instead of scattering are capable of making that object as if they were "invisible." "The problem is that there are these properties so exotic materials to create the invisibility cloak," he told BBC Science Professor José Sánchez-Dehesa, who led the study. "But our study suggests how to obtain these materials with exotic properties."
Scientists believe that the key to making these materials are called sonic crystals. These artificial compounds, also called metamaterials can be engineered to produce specific acoustical effects. The metamaterial could be used to improve the sound in concert halls.
The idea of \u200b\u200bacoustic cloak is diverting sound waves around an object. Unlike ordinary materials, the acoustic properties of sonic crystals are determined by their internal structure. And they are solid structures that can be made of lead, copper and polymers.
"The material consists of small sound scattering center, and although they are solid materials, basically behave like a fluid," said Professor Sánchez-Dehesa. "For example, if you want to hide acoustically cylindrical shaped object, we saw around that object to other cylinders made of metamaterials, the sound may be diverted around the object and we want to hide, "said the researcher. It is a similar effect, he says, the water flowing around a rock in a stream.
Simulations conducted researchers showed that 200 layers of this metamaterial could in fact make an object "impervious to noise. And the thick, explained the scientist depends on the wavelength you want to project. For example, the professor said Sánchez-Dehesa, could be used to make walls for the construction of safe houses noise. Or it could be used in concert halls to enhance acoustics or direct the sound away or around certain areas.

know that sound, like light, is transmitted by waves. And the solid disrupt its passage. Past studies proposed that the call is possible acoustic invisibility surrounding an object with a "blanket." Thus, sound waves, to reach the object, instead of scattering are capable of making that object as if they were "invisible." "The problem is that there are these properties so exotic materials to create the invisibility cloak," he told BBC Science Professor José Sánchez-Dehesa, who led the study. "But our study suggests how to obtain these materials with exotic properties."
Scientists believe that the key to making these materials are called sonic crystals. These artificial compounds, also called metamaterials can be engineered to produce specific acoustical effects. The metamaterial could be used to improve the sound in concert halls.
The idea of \u200b\u200bacoustic cloak is diverting sound waves around an object. Unlike ordinary materials, the acoustic properties of sonic crystals are determined by their internal structure. And they are solid structures that can be made of lead, copper and polymers.
"The material consists of small sound scattering center, and although they are solid materials, basically behave like a fluid," said Professor Sánchez-Dehesa. "For example, if you want to hide acoustically cylindrical shaped object, we saw around that object to other cylinders made of metamaterials, the sound may be diverted around the object and we want to hide, "said the researcher. It is a similar effect, he says, the water flowing around a rock in a stream.
Simulations conducted researchers showed that 200 layers of this metamaterial could in fact make an object "impervious to noise. And the thick, explained the scientist depends on the wavelength you want to project. For example, the professor said Sánchez-Dehesa, could be used to make walls for the construction of safe houses noise. Or it could be used in concert halls to enhance acoustics or direct the sound away or around certain areas.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
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With slowly but surely
Now I'm dedicating this ... we are studying, so after re CientificoFreak I have to say that the level of renovation will not be adequate but that something will fall from time to time, do not despair that there are people who were collecting signatures to back CientificoFreak so what can I do, I owe my fans.

Monday, May 26, 2008
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When my grandmother used to say that mobile devices were the devil, never thought I was on the right.
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Evil lives within the world's fastest man
The other day I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I have only a few things to say about it, Indiana Jones and Star Wars are two totally different worlds, should know Mr. Lucas and Harrison Ford is always the fucking master, 65 years I want to be like him.
As I was saying, the movie is a scene where Indy is fighting with Soviet and falling just over a device that is like a sled propelled sled that sounded I have seen somewhere and I think the dates coincide with what I believe. Here is the story.
Few would dare to expose their bodies as did John Paul Stapp. Colonel Stapp was a volunteer guinea pigs tested at speeds that topped 632 miles per hour (1017km / h), mounted on a sled on rails powered rocket. Thus passed into history as the fastest man on earth. His contribution to advances in aircraft safety systems was his legacy, the effects of experiments on his body would join the rest of his life.
We've all seen in a documentary called crash test dummy, an English term that refers to the test dummies in car safety. The fact is that in the experiments of which we, the dummy was replaced by a human: Colonel John Paul Stapp. Tests conducted in 1954, were part of a study on the effects of acceleration and deceleration forces on humans conducted by the U.S. Air Force.
Stapp, had a doctorate in biophysics, a medical degree and an honorary Doctor of Science. After joining the army in 1944, his knowledge so inclined to try to understand the tensions that would be faced by the pilots, in a research program in road survival U.S. Air Force. Therefore became his own test subject, participating voluntarily in 29 experiments rocket-powered sleds.
The "human decelerator" ("Gee whiz") was the name they knew the experimental apparatus, was a kind of sled about 680 kg of weight rocket-propelled, mounted on a track of normal width of 610 m. The platform had a mechanical braking system that was probably one of the most powerful ever built.
In his most famous journey, December 10, 1954, a rocket accelerates from a point at a speed of 632 miles per hour in just five seconds, then abruptly stopping at a stop in just 1.4 seconds. Stapp suffered repeated and various injuries including broken limbs and ribs. After the experiments, Stapp shows the effect on its "red eye" caused by broken capillaries and bleeding. Without doubt the most vulnerable of human anatomy were the eyes, trauma that endured throughout his life: persistent vision problems caused by the repeated explosion of blood vessels accompanied him the rest of his days.
In one of his latest experiments, Stapp was subjected to 46.2 times the force of gravity. Dr. Stapp showed that a human can withstand at least 45 g (440 m / s ²) at the forward position on the sled, harness enough. So far, the test is voluntary highest acceleration by a human. However, Dr Stapp said that tolerance of humans to speed yet been reached on the evidence, based on effects experienced in your body.
His experiments had a profound impact on safety systems in civil aviation and military, were used to design safer aircraft and ejection seats that could save the lives of hundreds of pilots in emergency. In addition, diagnosis of the effects of speed on his body allowed to provide the tension that could be experienced by future space travelers.
The legacy of John Paul Stapp is not limited to air. His experiments proved the effectiveness of using a seat belt in cars (and we'll mention later), showing that increases the chances of survival in case of accidents. John Paul Stapp was a major proponent of its use.
Stapp retired from the army in 1970 with the rank of colonel in 1970. Died peacefully at home at the age of 89.
The other day I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I have only a few things to say about it, Indiana Jones and Star Wars are two totally different worlds, should know Mr. Lucas and Harrison Ford is always the fucking master, 65 years I want to be like him.

Few would dare to expose their bodies as did John Paul Stapp. Colonel Stapp was a volunteer guinea pigs tested at speeds that topped 632 miles per hour (1017km / h), mounted on a sled on rails powered rocket. Thus passed into history as the fastest man on earth. His contribution to advances in aircraft safety systems was his legacy, the effects of experiments on his body would join the rest of his life.

Stapp, had a doctorate in biophysics, a medical degree and an honorary Doctor of Science. After joining the army in 1944, his knowledge so inclined to try to understand the tensions that would be faced by the pilots, in a research program in road survival U.S. Air Force. Therefore became his own test subject, participating voluntarily in 29 experiments rocket-powered sleds.
The "human decelerator" ("Gee whiz") was the name they knew the experimental apparatus, was a kind of sled about 680 kg of weight rocket-propelled, mounted on a track of normal width of 610 m. The platform had a mechanical braking system that was probably one of the most powerful ever built.
In his most famous journey, December 10, 1954, a rocket accelerates from a point at a speed of 632 miles per hour in just five seconds, then abruptly stopping at a stop in just 1.4 seconds. Stapp suffered repeated and various injuries including broken limbs and ribs. After the experiments, Stapp shows the effect on its "red eye" caused by broken capillaries and bleeding. Without doubt the most vulnerable of human anatomy were the eyes, trauma that endured throughout his life: persistent vision problems caused by the repeated explosion of blood vessels accompanied him the rest of his days.

His experiments had a profound impact on safety systems in civil aviation and military, were used to design safer aircraft and ejection seats that could save the lives of hundreds of pilots in emergency. In addition, diagnosis of the effects of speed on his body allowed to provide the tension that could be experienced by future space travelers.
The legacy of John Paul Stapp is not limited to air. His experiments proved the effectiveness of using a seat belt in cars (and we'll mention later), showing that increases the chances of survival in case of accidents. John Paul Stapp was a major proponent of its use.
Stapp retired from the army in 1970 with the rank of colonel in 1970. Died peacefully at home at the age of 89.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Small Clear Bump In Cheek
curing shyness Frozen Time
A hormone in the form of nasal spray, might increase the confidence we in strangers. And this could serve as a treatment for disorders like social phobia and autism, scientists say University of Zurich, Switzerland.
The researchers were able to identify the centers of the brain that are activated when a person is betrayed their trust. And managed to suppress this activity by giving the brain oxytocin (OT), a compound that has been called "love hormone."
According to the scientists who published their study in the journal Neuron, the finding not only provides valuable information on the neurological processes involved in the trust. The findings could also help understand and treat social disorders such as phobias and autism.
In research, scientists asked volunteers to play two game types: a confidence and a risk. In the trust game, people should give money, with the understanding that an administrator (human) would invest this amount and decide whether to return the profits or betray the confidence of investors and stayed with the money. In the game of risk, individuals were told that the manager would be a computer that randomly decide whether or not returning the money.
Volunteers also received doses of nasal spray or placebo OT. Scientists chose
oxytocin because it is known that the hormone appears to be involved in the formation of social and sexual relations, and maternal links.
In the placebo group, participants who betrayed his trust were less willing to invest. But the players who were given oxytocin continued to hand over money and relying on managers.
The researchers found that during the trust game, the OT was reduced activity in two brain regions.
One of these was the amygdala, which processes fear, danger and the possibility of social betrayal and the other, an area of \u200b\u200bthe striatum, the brain circuitry that guides and adjusts the behavior based on reward.
"We found that oxytocin has a very specific social situations and apparently reduces our concerns," says Dr. Thomas Baumgartner. "With these results we conclude that a lack of oxytocin is at least one of the causes of fear that is experienced with social phobias." "And we hope to enhance the sociability of these patients by administering oxytocin," he adds.

The researchers were able to identify the centers of the brain that are activated when a person is betrayed their trust. And managed to suppress this activity by giving the brain oxytocin (OT), a compound that has been called "love hormone."
According to the scientists who published their study in the journal Neuron, the finding not only provides valuable information on the neurological processes involved in the trust. The findings could also help understand and treat social disorders such as phobias and autism.
In research, scientists asked volunteers to play two game types: a confidence and a risk. In the trust game, people should give money, with the understanding that an administrator (human) would invest this amount and decide whether to return the profits or betray the confidence of investors and stayed with the money. In the game of risk, individuals were told that the manager would be a computer that randomly decide whether or not returning the money.
Volunteers also received doses of nasal spray or placebo OT. Scientists chose
oxytocin because it is known that the hormone appears to be involved in the formation of social and sexual relations, and maternal links.
In the placebo group, participants who betrayed his trust were less willing to invest. But the players who were given oxytocin continued to hand over money and relying on managers.
The researchers found that during the trust game, the OT was reduced activity in two brain regions.
One of these was the amygdala, which processes fear, danger and the possibility of social betrayal and the other, an area of \u200b\u200bthe striatum, the brain circuitry that guides and adjusts the behavior based on reward.
"We found that oxytocin has a very specific social situations and apparently reduces our concerns," says Dr. Thomas Baumgartner. "With these results we conclude that a lack of oxytocin is at least one of the causes of fear that is experienced with social phobias." "And we hope to enhance the sociability of these patients by administering oxytocin," he adds.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Metal Wrapped Palm Trees In Hawaii
That cab does not swallow your money
telephone booths are now obsolete because of the success of mobile telephony, and increasingly they are less on the street. However, there are times when one is obliged to call from one of them for some specific reason, like being out of balance on the phone or call out very expensive since it at a certain time. What most annoys
call from a pay phone is that after putting a coin and make the conference, the remaining money, if spare, the car is swallowed. However, there is a method quite old, but still there are people who know, that used to be able to recover that money and not give it to the phone company. It is obvious that the phone company does not care who knows and will never be publicized, because it is a way to earn income in the form of "donations."
This method involves replacing the money spent. If we got 1 € and 80 cents left over, we to put 20 cents. When you hang up, the cabin will return the initial euro. But if we do not have the 20 cents changed but we have a 50 cent coin, we can put it and return the car to hang the euro and will swallow just 30 cents, instead of the 80 that would be swallowed by default.
Via: pixfans
telephone booths are now obsolete because of the success of mobile telephony, and increasingly they are less on the street. However, there are times when one is obliged to call from one of them for some specific reason, like being out of balance on the phone or call out very expensive since it at a certain time. What most annoys
call from a pay phone is that after putting a coin and make the conference, the remaining money, if spare, the car is swallowed. However, there is a method quite old, but still there are people who know, that used to be able to recover that money and not give it to the phone company. It is obvious that the phone company does not care who knows and will never be publicized, because it is a way to earn income in the form of "donations."

Via: pixfans
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